Born in Cairo in 1969, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo 1992, he worked as a professor in the painting department since his graduation until 2017,when he left teaching and dedicated his full time to painting .
El Dessouki is considered as one of the nineties' generation Egyptian artists, his successive works are characterized by the multiple techniques of oil paints between the addition, deletion, scratching using oil bars, dry and liquid colors, fine and wide brushes, multiple layers as a way to create spaces from positive, neutral and negative to serve what he wants to express.
El Dessouki’s works are all related to Egypt, capturing it from his own perspective and this was well shown in his portraiture, Egyptian women, countryside and desert landscapes, still life as newspapers, alabaster pots and telephones.
His work is closely related to the time that produced it and the status of Egyptian society is that it can be said that the Egyptian memoir carries in its subject and content clear visual messages.
Since 1992, Dessouki has been exhibiting continuously between the Egyptian galleries and Arab Region art fairs, including New York, London, Madrid, Singapore and India.
'Wadi El Natroon 7'
70 X 100 cm
Charcoal and pastel on paper
95 x 185 cm
Oil and oil bars on canvas
'M 3'
85 x 185 cm
Oil and pigments on linen